8/3/96 ****Version 1.2.2 ClearPhone****

Version 1.2.2 Fixes Preferences Problem for all new users this problem only occured on first time users of version 1.2.0 and 1.2.1. It caused the audio problems and crashes for fist time users! (Sorry for the problems, trash these old versions!)

8/3/96 ****Version 1.2.1 ClearPhone****

***Preference Problems fixed (we hope)..
***It is possible that certain Performas may not have compatible audio circuits. Possible Performa 475. This is not confirmed yet.
***Fixed bug that would cause a crash if you were talking while a second call rang in while speaking.

8/2/96****Version 1.2.0 ClearPhone****

FLASH new users **MUST** first open the [sound data] preferences, reselect them, then quit ClearPhone (to make the preference for your MAC).Do this once before using the program! If you do not do this the person you call may not hear you!

***Fixed auto answer bug that could cause a crash if a call came in while already connected.
***Added auto log in/out Chat server (optional menu control). To use this auto log on server you must have Internet Config installed.

7/26/96****Version 1.1.5 ClearPhone****

***Fixed "low memory message" .
***Fixed bug that could happen if Appletalk was not active.
***Added memory available message under "About ClearPhone" menu.

7/25/96****Version 1.1.4 ClearPhone****

***Known bug.. this version is reporting that your Memory may be very low when you first load the program. Ignore this message.

***Added white board support for TEXT and PICT files. ClearPhone will now send and receive "white board" files that can originate from the clipboard. You can cut, paste, save and load both TEXT and PICT files once you extablish a ClearPhone connection.
***Added user info display about status of Network connections.
***Auto reconnect activated to allow ClearPhone to re-establish connection with Server automatically if the connection is dropped. New status line now alerts user of the Network status.
***The Server connection can now be reset from the menu Options menu. You no longer have to reboot the program to re-establish a dropped server connection.
***Server Updated to allow "call me" via ClearPhone without manually entering IP address.

7/23/96*****Version 1.1.2 ClearPhone****

**There are some older MAC's (possibly early Performas) that do not support "continuous record" mode which is required by the ClearPhone to send and receive audio at the same time. If your MAC has this problem you may be able to send audio, but you will most likely not receive it. After connection to someone, and they talk to you, and you see your green indicator go on and off but you never hear any audio, then you are probably out of luck for now. It may be possible that a future version of ClearPhone will allow your early Model MAC computer to work without some of the current features.

**Fixes Perferences problems that caused several MAC's to not report the correct settings. Now Sound Manager hardware parameters not supported in some MAC's will be greyed out. All variables now are holding their values once you set them they should be correct when you open the preferences again.

**Fixes a crash that happened with disconnects that were triggered while still receiving data and green display was still on and while the "flow control" was active.

7/22/96 ****Version 1.1.1 ClearPhone****

Connection input now allows IP selection for Internet, or shared owner's name for voice connection over Appletalk networks.

Improved support for various MAC models

Fixed disconnect problem that could happen while audio was being received.

Preferences problem will be fixed on the next update.

ClearPhone Notes 7/21/96***Version 1.0.1 ClearPhone****
Known Problems: **Some Power MAC's do not (retain) hold the sound Preference settings after you reboot or during normal operation of the program. This is an Apple System Sound Manager problem which has recently been documented. It seems that not all MAC's work the same any more and due to the hardware differences there are some differences with certain MACs. We are trying to come up with a work around solution for this. It does not happen on all MAC's just the Power MACs and if it does happen you will want to check your sound output settings whenever you begin running ClearPhone.

The AGC selection does not function on Power MACs. When you select it the setting will not be on when you check the sound preferences. This is not a problem, the hardware simply does not support this function any longer.

**Some MAC's cannot run Open Transport. You need to have OT running to use the ClearPhone program. If you get a message that the OT library can not be found then you are not running Open transport yet. The system 7.5.3 Extras folder has a program named "Network Software Selector" (if your Mac supports OT). Run this program and select "Open transport". ***Default settings for Preference may not be optimal when you first run the program. Set the "Set Sound Preferences" as follows for best startup results: 100 REC start 50 REC stop 250 REC delay (This setting is critical, and should not be set lower than 250 for smooth speech transmission) 5 Packet Length If these values do not hold, reset them during your connection if necessary. Set audio level to "7" (highest) and back off the microphone a bit. Be sure that your level peaks into the red area. For proper operation the "RED" transmit light should not flicker while you talk. It should go out during voice pauses only. This is normal. The "Sound Input" selector is not functioning (this is defaulted to the Microphone input)
The manual for ClearPhone is available on the internet at: http://www.kaiwan.com/~radiobob/CPmanual.html

----------------------ClearPhone Registration--------------------------- ***
If you like the ClearPhone program and wish to continue to use it, you must register it before the expiration date of August 31st, 1996. To do this, launch the program and pull down the menu under the "Apple" and select "About ClearPhone". Then select "Registration". Write down the number that shows up as your "registration ID"number. You will need to give us that number before you can receive your "registration code". Once we receive payment and your "registration ID" number, we will EMAIL you the "registration code" which you will enter into the box in the "About ClearPhone" registration input menu to unlock the program and enabling all features. Once registered, you will have the program fully licensed and registered to your Macintosh.